The Russell Howard Show from the UK Films at Jules Verne Campus!

Russell Howard: What do you think of the sugar tax?

Victor: What, sugar attacks? You mean when you eat too much sugar?

Russell: Well, the sugar tax means we have to pay so much for sugar that no one will eat it anymore! Do you think it’s good to ban things we think are dangerous? Like let’s say I want to wrestle with a crocodile, should I be allowed to do it or should it be banned?

Victor: Well, maybe it shouldn’t be allowed. My mom would say not to do it!

Russell: What could I wrestle against?

Victor: Maybe a rabbit?

Russell: How about a rabbit dressed up as a crocodile?

Victor: But that’s still a rabbit!

Russell: Is it?

ictor: This is really weird!

Such is the kind of silly conversation that British comedian Russell Howard has with children from all over Europe in his zany segment “playground politics” on the Russell Howard Show, a well-known UK TV show also featured on YouTube. We were honored to be the proud hosts of the comedy star and his film crew in June, 2018. Twelve JVC children were interviewed by Russell in groups of two and asked about their views on marriage, the sugar tax, what makes a good friend, and much more. Several of our British learning guides swarmed in for photos with the star and couldn’t stop giggling. The actual show will be aired starting in September 2018, so several Jules Verne Campus Elementary and Grammar School learning partners will have their 15 minutes, or seconds, of, well, very weird fame! Hosting the film crew showed us just how charming, articulate, and good-humored our JVC learning partners really are.

Please check out the following “playground politics” segments in which JVC learning partners with the “Munich” symbol appear: