Reading Buddies

The third grade Amethysts have buddied up with the Pearls for a weekly tandem reading partnership.

The “Reading Buddies” programme was kicked off this year by the Amethysts writing a letter to their younger buddy and reading it aloud to them. The third graders then read a story to their Pearl buddy, solidifying their own fluency while modeling literacy skills. As the year goes on and the Pearls begin to learn to read themselves, they will also get the chance to read to their older buddy, increasing their confidence and motivation.

A tandem program like this has other benefits as well. As the Amethyst and Pearl buddies get to know each other better, they build a trusting relationship: the Pearls can go to their older buddy when they need help in any situation, not just while reading.

As beautifully said by an Amethyst third grader, “We can be like a big brother or big sister to them!”